Learn with us
Here at Create and Cherish Events we can keep you up to date with not only todays trends but yesterdays trends too. We recently teamed up with another balloon artist from the Midlands to create Blossom Balloon Girls.
We got you with training throughout the UK.
Lets blow up your business together.
1:1 In Person Training

On this course you will learn the basics of today's trends. From picking up a balloon right through to creating several displays.
Learn how to lift your business creating displays that will enhance your profile.
Not only will you take away your now found balloon skills but business advice, how to price your work right and details of the best suppoliers on the market.
2:1 In Person Training

Our 2:1 course is available for those partnerships out there.
If you want to learn together, start off as you mean to go on then lets create that dream team.. In partnership there is strength.
You will both learn exactly the same as on the 1:1 course but with two of you you will be able to push those boundaries further.
Distortion for Beginners

This course is tailored to those who want to learn the basics in distortion. You'll learn how to create different distorted balloon flowers, how to put them together, how to make them last as long as possible, how to tie them into your display without without using glue and most importantly how to create the shape that you want.
Number Stacks and Marquees

Yes that's right. You too can learn how to create the most popular balloon display on the market in 2023.
With more and more of our customers wanting number stacks and balloon marquees, now is the time to learn how to create different designs, how to enhance your display, how to price it and most importantly how to make sure it's solid.